Monday, April 27, 2009

How to Tell a Boy to Stop Touching You


ansen @


身体接触在男女交往中是一种很令人愉快的体验,无论是接吻,牵手还是臂腕相连。但是总有一些急性子的男孩子在想方设法千方百计地想早点体验到这种快乐,不幸的是,女孩子们在这种情行下往往由于害羞而做不出有效的回绝,而让男孩子们得逞。为避免这种不幸或者说是不快的事情发生,本文将介绍几种让男孩子 “住手”的方法。


身体接触在男女交往中是一种很令人愉快的体验,无论是接吻,牵手还是臂腕相连。但是总有一些急性子的男孩子在想方设法千方百计地想早点体验到这种快乐,不幸的是,女孩子们在这种情行下往往由于害羞而做不出有效的回绝,而让男孩子们得逞。为避免这种不幸或者说是不快的事情发生,下面将介绍几种能让男孩子 “住手”的方法。

1--礼貌地拒绝。 告诉他,他对你的身体“ 侵犯”让你觉得很不舒服,并且希望他能停止这样做;需要切记的是当你告诉他时,一定要言辞坚定,态度严肃,否则,他会认为你只是在装可爱,那可就糟糕了。告诉他,或许以后当你们的关系更加亲密时他可以这么做,但是现在还不可以;告诉他,拒绝他不是因为他或者他的举止行为,而是因为你今天不在状态。

2--故意制造尴尬。 如果你的警告没能让他停手,那么就在他拥抱你或者亲吻你时尽可能地制造尴尬。你可以在他行动之前突然变得结结巴巴,过一会之后,推开他,告诉他:“对不起,我现在没有一点感觉了,以后再做吧。”这样可以让他觉得尴尬并且不得不“手下留情”。


4--告诉家长。 如果你的男朋友没有听从你的警告,那就告诉你的父母,让他们出面可能会更有效果。如果你的年纪已经足够被称为“成人”了,那么就只能靠你自己了。义正言辞地告诉他:请住手!别再碰我!过几周之后,看他是否还是脾性不改!

5--离开他。 不尊重你意愿的男孩同样也不值得你的珍惜。你不必为他多费口舌,弃他而去是一个最直截了当解决办法。这都是他一个人的错,他本有机会停手的,但他没有,你不应该一个从不听你意见的人在一起。如果你在这件事上纠缠不清,你们未来的关系也会问题重重。

1. 不要害怕告诉别人。
2. 如果你们因此而分手,也不要觉得对不住他,因为是他没有听从你的意见。

1. 如果你还未满十四周岁,当你遭到使你不适的身体侵犯时应该立即告诉自己的父母。因为这个年龄以下的你是受到法律保护而不可以受到这样的身体侵犯的。

How to Tell a Boy to Stop Touching You
How to Tell a Boy to Stop Touching You

Touching in a relationship is supposed to be enjoyable; kissing, holding hands, and having your arms over each other is all supposed to be a fun experience. However, there are many boys out there who progress to this part in the relationship too quickly, and the girl is too shy to say anything. Here's how to get that boy to stop touching you.
In the Garden of Giants 7501.jpg

  1. Kindly tell him to stop. Tell him that it makes you feel uncomfortable when he touches you, and that you'd like him to please stop. Make sure you stay firm when doing this, or else he will think it's okay, and that you were just being cute with it. Explain to him that you think you can do it later in the relationship, but right now, you're just not ready. Tell him that it's not because of him or how he acts, but it's just you, and your preferences.
  2. Make the situation awkward. If he won't stop touching you, make hugging and kissing as awkward as possible. Stutter right before you kiss or hug, and after a few moments, just back away and say, "Sorry, but I just can't really feel anything now. Talk to you later,". This will make him feel awkward while touching you, and he will hopefully stop.
  3. Make up reasons why you can't meet him. If he offers some drinks, tell him you're busy. If he wants to go to the amusement park, tell him you have homework. Continue making up excuses until he asks you if you're mad at him. Then tell him once again that you feel awkward when he touches you, and that it's either a no-touch relationship, or no relationship at all. Hopefully this will get the point across, and he will finally stop.
  4. Tell an adult. If your boyfriend won't listen to you, maybe an adult can convince him otherwise. If you're old enough that you're the same age from most adults, then you're on your own. Tell him firmly that you don't want him touching you anymore. Wait for a few weeks, and see if he still touches you.
  5. Leave him. Any guy who doesn't respect your wishes doesn't deserve you. You don't even need to say anything, just completely leave him out in the cold. It's his own fault, he had several chances to stop, and you shouldn't be with someone who doesn't listen to you. If you deal with it now, you will most likely have problems in the relationship later.

  • Don't be afraid to tell someone.
  • Don't think you're being mean to him if you do choose to break up with him, because he was being mean to you by not listening.

  • If you're under fourteen, tell an adult immediately if someone touches you in a way where you don't feel comfortable. At that age, you shouldn't be getting touched like that.

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